Describes suggested applications and basic operations of all VALEZUS T1200 devices.
VALEZUS T1200 Adminstrator’s Guide
This guide describes the machine settings and options (IC card reader, scanner, etc.) to be performed by the administrator.
VALEZUS T1200 Troubleshooting Guide
This guide describes the action to take when a paper jam or other technical issues may occur with the T1200.
ComColor GL Series:
ComColor GL Series User’s Guide
Describes suggested applications and basic operations of all ComColor GL devices.
ComColor GL Series Quick Guide
An abbreviated guide for applications and basic operations of all ComColor GL devices.
ComColor GL Adminstrator’s Guide
This guide describes the machine settings and options (IC card reader, scanner, etc.) to be performed by the administrator.
ComColor GL Troubleshooting Guide
This guide describes the action to take when a paper jam or other technical issues may occur with the ComColor GL devices.
This guide describes the steps to take when printing via Chromebook to GL or FT devices.
ComColor GD Series:
ComColor GD Series User’s Guide
Describes suggested applications and basic operations of all ComColor GD devices.
This guide describes the machine settings and options (IC card reader, scanner, etc.) to be performed by the administrator.
ComColor GD Troubleshooting Guide
This guide describes the action to take when a paper jam or other technical issues may occur with the ComColor GD devices.
This guide covers any safety information pertaining to the ComColor GD series.
ComColor GD Wrapping Envelope Finisher User’s Guide
Describes the ComColor GD Wrapping Envelope Finisher solution.
A guide for the operation of the RS1100C RIP.