29 Oct Press from Printing United 2019
Printing United just wrapped up in Dallas, TX October 23-25, and RISO was there!
The show was the first of its kind, bringing printers together from every medium and across every system and substrate. And in addition to a new personal best for orders taken over those three days, RISO got a lot of attention. Maybe it was the stage presentation — maybe it was the new Valezus T2100 machine we were showing for the first time — and maybe it was the draw of affordable inkjet. But it drew a lot of press!
Here are a few links to some of the articles and video pieces done on RISO, Inc. at Printing United:
- What They Think.com – Video Package and Article
- Inkish.TV LIVE – Samples Discussion (Featuring RISO samples)
- Inkish.TV LIVE – Interview with Andre D’Urbano of RISO
- Industry Analysts, Inc. Article featuring Valezus T2100
- Printing United Product Showcase
- Printing Impressions Show Daily – Valezus T2100 Mention
- Production Inkjet Tradeshow Shopping Guide
- PI World: Can’t Miss Products at Printing United
- In-Plant Impressions: RISO Enjoys Record Sales at Printing United
All of these and more brought people to Booth #10935 from all over the country. We had a great time at Printing United, and we’re looking forward to the 2020 Printing United show, which will be in Atlanta, GA! We’ll see you there!