Education Industry

Education Industry

The education industry prints a wide range of applications on a variety of media, and RISO Inkjet printers allow all of these print jobs to run on one versatile device. Easily printing on papers from 11lb newspaper to 110lb cardstock, RISO Inkjets can even print on Tyvek wristbands.

Schools often face budget constraints which limit the amount of color printing teachers are allotted. This is unfortunate when studies have proven that color improves learning and retention by 78% and comprehension by 73% (see our white paper “Communication Color” for the full third-party analysis). RISO Inkjet makes color printing an affordable option at less than 2 cents per page. Inkjet’s fewer moving parts and remarkable duty cycle mean that you can print in color for a fraction of the cost associated with toner devices. Plus, RISO’s heatless technology eliminates static and paper curling, which makes paper jams a rarity.

RISO also understands the time limit teachers often face when printing class materials. The average break between classes is a mere 6 minutes, which is many teachers’ printing time. With RISO Inkjet devices ranging from 90 pages per minute up to 160 pages per minute, that 6 minutes can yield over 500 copies. Finally, a user-friendly interface makes printing simple and easy for teachers and students alike.

Recommended Unit

ComColor FT 5230

Energy-efficient printing in full color.

icon-ppm120 ppm

icon-sheet-capacity2000 sheet capacity

icon-paper-size3 feed trays


*The above results are calculated using the continuous print speed of each device and does not consider all conditions of use. Please use these results a reference only.

Learn How RISO Can Help Your Organization

    Education Brochure

    Your curriculum in full color

    RISO for Education

    White Paper

    A Case for Color

    In your school's curriculum

    Controlling Costs

    Minimizing budget impact on students

    Communication Color

    Redefining the world of color

    Print Fast, Go Green

    Reduce time and save energy